Sacrament Preparation
As a conventual Church, we have been granted the privilege and the task of preparing all ages for the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist) as well as for the sacrament of Reconciliation. All programs within this ministry are either family-based or whole community-based (or both) and revolve around the celebration of weekly Mass.
For parents wishing to have their babies baptized
For families with baptized children in 2nd through 6th grade who have not received the Sacraments of Initiation
For families with baptized children in 3rd through 6th grade who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation & who have completed a minimum of one year in Phase 1 of Family Ministry.
For families with unbaptized children 2nd grade through 6th grade.
For families with teens who are seeking any of the Sacraments of Initiation, 7th grade & up.
For adults 18 years old and up