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Order of Christian Initiation

of Children  (OCIC)


OCIC is the process though which families with children who fit into a specific category prepare for the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist).  OCIC is for families with:

  • Unbaptized children who are in the 2nd grade and up.

  • For 4th & 5th graders seeking First Eucharist and/or Confirmation.


Because the Diocese of Phoenix practices what is called "restored order" (which moves Confirmation back before First Eucharist as it was originally practiced in the early Church), some children (especially those who move in from out of state) end up missing Confirmation in the third grade, which is the most common age in this diocese.


Other children who are beyond the 3rd grade may have never been baptized or never had First Communion.  


The OCIC process is in place to accommodate both those situations.




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