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To learn more about our specific FIA ministries, please go to the FIA page on the Casa website here:


To learn more about current and upcoming FIA activities, visit

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Be doers of the word and not hearers only…

(James 1:22)

Faith in Action Ministry (FIA) empowers our community, as the people of God, to fulfill the Church’s mission of love, justice, freedom, and peace, which is built up or torn down in the daily decisions and actions we make. Our faith does not call us to abandon the world but to shape it. This mission accomplishes more when we act together, supporting each other and helping each other to have the courage of our convictions, to stand up for what we value and to practice what scripture proclaims. There is a fit for you. Please join us in continuing God’s work.


At the Franciscan Renewal Center, “Faith in Action” means putting your passion to work for social justice and positive change in the world. We are the hands and feet of Christ, and we are motivated by St. Francis’ revolutionary concept of what it means to embrace all of Creation with love, not blame.


Our various FIA ministries are made up of not only volunteers from the Our Lady of the Angels community, but also anyone who has a heart for a particular ministry and its mission.


We certainly welcome and appreciate our direct service volunteers. However, all of our FIA ministries will not thrive or exist without our vital volunteer leadership teams. If you are interested in learning more about FIA leadership opportunities, please reach out to the respective ministry via email.


A Faith in Action ministry’s mission may encompass any combination of these four (4) quadrants below.​


Service/Outreach involves bringing a “little bit of love” through action out into the world through concrete acts of service to meet the needs of others.

  • Casa Habitat for Humanity

  • Hunger Action Ministry (HAM)

  • Matthew 25: Serving Asylum Seekers

  • English as a Second Language (ESL)

  • Casa Veterans Ministry (CVM)

  • André House Lobby Bin Volunteers

  • Material collections (Food Drives, Blanket Drives, etc.)

  • Domestic & International Service Trips


Solidarity/Development builds relationships to generate self-sufficiency alongside (not for, but with) our local, regional, and global neighbors.

Advocacy/Organizing empowers us to act together on local issues to better our communities, especially for those who cannot “speak” for themselves.

  • Care for Creation Ministry (C4C)

  • Hunger Action Ministry (HAM)

  • Casa Valley Interfaith Project (Casa VIP)


Justice Formation offers opportunities to grow in faith in response to the issues and needs of our local, regional, and global communities. We then learn how we can serve or take faith filled action.

  • Care for Creation Ministry (C4C)

  • Matthew 25: Serving Asylum Seekers

  • Just Scripture

  • Peace Ministry

  • Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly: Justice Formation in the Franciscan Way (ALW)

  • Engaging Spirituality and Contemplative Justice opportunities

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